Calligratherapy eventGeneral 此心安處是吾鄉: Finding Home in a Distant Land I was recently invited to lead a calligraphy workshop as part of the Sailing Lanterns exhibition…adminJune 17, 2023
General Cultivate Well-Being through Big Dipper Calligratherapy: A Holistic Approach to Mind Training Stress levels in educators and students are increasing globally. While there are many methods to…adminJanuary 15, 2023
General Celebrating Multiculturalism with Chinese Calligraphy at the Ministry of Health As organisations in both the government and corporate sectors aim to foster an inclusive workplace,…adminJanuary 14, 2023
General Embracing a Different Life: End of year 2022 reflections from a Migrant’s Journey 知我者、謂我心憂、不知我者、謂我何求。 - 诗经 Those who knew me , Said I care from the heart .…adminJanuary 7, 2023
General The Enchanted Brush Enchanted Brush is a calligratherapy programme for Children and Young People. It offers a unique…adminDecember 18, 2022
General Exploring the Benefits of Calligratherapy Through an Interview on Hutt City FM 106.7 The Hutt Weekender Have you ever heard of calligratherapy? Well, if the answer is no, then don’t worry.…adminDecember 14, 2022
General Calligratherapy: A Holistic Approach to Mindful Living Calligratherapy is the combination of Chinese calligraphy and mindfulness practices - such as Carl Jung’s…adminDecember 4, 2022
General The concept of “Listen” behind the Chinese character Explore meaning behind Chinese character composition#5 We all know the importance of active listening. But…adminNovember 24, 2022
General The concept of “Love” behind the Chinese character Explore meaning behind Chinese character composition#4 Love is a powerful emotion that we all experience…adminNovember 24, 2022
General The concept of “patience” behind Chinese Character Explore meaning behind Chinese character composition#3 忍 means to be patient; to endure and…adminNovember 24, 2022