Introducing Shui-mo Ink Art

Calligratherapy – a meditative practice combining Chinese Shui-mo painting with brush calligraphy for restoring mental balance and order.
Shui-mo painting is the Chinese word for Black Ink Painting. It is also known in Japan as Sumi-e painting. It was developed in the Song Dynasty (960-1279AD) when calligraphers began to add simplified artwork to their poetry calligraphy work using the same materials-brush, ink and rice paper. Their simple but sometimes bold use of the brush would often capture the spirit of the subject and would convey a wide range of expression, from dynamic power to elegance and tranquillity. Together, it is called “Shui-mo Ink Art”. Its emphasis is placed on the beauty of each individual stroke of the brush. Instead of “painting a painting” or “writing calligraphy” - the Chinese say “writing a painting” and “painting a poem”, as a great painting always includes three elements: calligraphy, painting and poem. Thus, Chinese Shui-mo art is judged on these elements: the calligraphy strokes, the words of the poetry (often with double meanings and subtle puns) and the ability of the painting strokes to capture the spirit (Ch’i) of nature rather than a photographic likeness.

A two-hour immersive Shui-mo/Sumei experience

What you will experience:

  • Observe a demonstration that will introduce traditional Chinese ink art tools
    1. Make liquid Shui-mo/Sumi ink
    2. Ink grinding technique
    3. Sumi-ink gradation technique
    4. How to place amount of ink on a brush
    5. How to control a brush
  • Observe Shui-mo/Sumi-e art creation in action
  • Practice basic ink strokes
    1. Basic strokes for ink art
    2. Trace and copy exercise. Choose from a range of examples including zodiac animals, trees, flowers and landscapes.
  • Create your own artwork
    1. Name – written in Chinese
    2. Create your own artworks and take it back home. Enjoy displaying it!

All tools will be provided, just come and enjoy an unique experience.